<img src="https://naked-science.ru/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Low-Res_20180412-NOAA-20.jpg" alt="A new ice age will come within 11 thousand years"/>According to the Milankovitch cycle theory, ice ages depend on the position of the Earth and its axis of rotation in space, which, in turn, affects the flow of solar radiation. Due to small fluctuations in the orientation of the Earth's axis, climatic cycles lasting 41 and 21 thousand years appear. And cycles of 100 and 400 thousand years are associated with the geometry of the orbit around the Sun – eccentricity. Despite the confirmation of this theory by geological data from the Quaternary period, it is difficult to distinguish between the roles of axial tilt, precession and eccentricity, mainly due to the need to obtain absolute dating of paleoclimatic records. In the new work, scientists approached the problem differently – by analyzing the curves of the advance and retreat of glaciations.
A new ice age will occur within 11 thousand years