Residents of Aktau cannot receive medical test results due to hacker attacks on Damumed

On the official Damumed country they published an appeal to citizens: “Our specialists have taken all the necessary measures to successfully reflect them and are working on the current situation together with the responsible structures in accordance with the Government Decree “On the approval of uniform requirements in the field of information and communication technologies and ensuring information security.” No data leaks from information resources have been recorded. At the same time, we have taken a number of technical preventive measures to temporarily disable a number of services. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience,” the social network reported.

Residents of Aktau and other regions of the country faced a number of inconveniences associated with the system shutdown.

Жители Актау не могут получить результаты медицинских анализов из-за хакерских атак на  Damumed
“For three days now I haven’t been able to make an appointment with a doctor, the app isn’t working. I need it urgently. Where should I go?”“I got tested last week. I’m waiting for the results, but there are still none! Why so long?”, people write.

Also today, April 30, disruptions were noticed in the operation of the government services portal

“Be careful, the PSC website was hacked. Do not open SMS from 1414,” people warn.

It also says that if you receive an SMS from 1414, then under no circumstances should you click on the link.

“Do not follow the link any further. It turns out our database was hacked by hackers. Now everyone is getting loans. Today the base is closed from 9 o’clock. Tell everyone,” the newsletter says.

Жители Актау не могут получить результаты медицинских анализов из-за хакерских атак на  Damumed

The press service of JSC National Information Technologies hastened to reassure citizens, saying that the message from 1414 is not dangerous. People are actually being sent offers to install eGov mobile and this has nothing to do with fraud.

“Dear users! The newsletter from 1414 is not fake. This message was sent to those users who are not registered in eGov mobile. The eGov mobile application sends personalized SMS and push notifications in various life situations for completing surveys, as well as for news alerts!” – reported the press service of JSC National Information Technologies, reports.

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