Doctor Pavlova revealed the secret of “activating” brown fat, which is necessary for weight loss

The main problem, she states, is that very little of it remains with age. “Brown fat is most abundant in infants, and in adults it is partially retained, for example, in the supraclavicular region, along the spine, and adrenal glands,” notes Pavlova.

The doctor said that when scientists decided to check whether these residues could be used to treat obesity – after all, they burn calories so well – they made an unexpected discovery. As it turns out, brown fat has an “off switch.” Some time after scientists used special drugs to enhance the ability of brown fat to produce heat, this effect disappeared. Fat converted calories into energy for only a short time, and then went into “sleep mode” again. The researchers named the protein “AC3-AT” responsible for the shutdown.

As Pavlova notes, in the future this discovery will make it possible to create an effective fat burner. However, the doctor recalled that this will not be a panacea for the problem of mass obesity. “The key to success is a healthy lifestyle. Without it, the return of extra pounds cannot be avoided, no matter how wonderful the remedy,” summed up Pavlova.

Earlier, the head of the teacher training department and senior trainer of the international network of ballet and stretching studios LEVITA, Akulina Bakhturina, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta how to quickly and effectively lose weight by summer using the “ballerina method” . She explained that strict diets or fasting are not an integral part of their diet. On the contrary, they eat a very balanced diet. Bakhturina also emphasized that in the life of ballerinas there is a huge amount of physical activity every day: rehearsals, classroom exercises, performances. This is what helps you lose weight quickly and effectively.

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