<img src="https://naked-science.ru/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/3D-model.-Poluchennyj-kub-poristosti-1-scaled.jpg" alt="Perm scientists have increased the efficiency of oil production"/>In oil production, forecasting the properties of reservoirs is an important task that allows you to assess the potential of a field and make decisions on its high-quality development. Usually, geophysical studies are carried out for this purpose, with the help of which the characteristics of rocks are determined: porosity, density and permeability. On their basis, a 3D model of the field is built and information about the oil and gas reserves contained in it is obtained. However, the structure and properties of reservoirs are very variable, and such heterogeneity often prevents obtaining reliable data using traditional methods. Scientists from Perm Polytechnic University have developed an approach for modeling porosity in the oil and gas industry based on artificial intelligence. It will increase the accuracy of the forecast and the efficiency of field development by 56 percent.
Perm scientists have increased the efficiency of oil production